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ADASP Annual Meeting

ADASP Shines at USCAP 2024: Celebrating Excellence in Pathology

USCAP 2024 was once again a stellar event, with the Stowell-Orbison and ADASP Poster Award Session standing out as a highlight of the conference. This year, ADASP (Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology) honored two groundbreaking research contributions to the field of pathology.

The Stowell-Orbison and ADASP Poster Award Session typically occurs on Monday morning.

Briefly, the ADASP councils screens all abstracts and then presents a selection of ~50-60 top ranking abstracts to the 2024 ADASP Abstract Review Subcommittee that was comprised of Dr. Oluwole Fadare, Dr. Kathleen Montone, Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Cuyar, Dr. Michelle Reid, and Dr. Joe Lennerz. These individuals undertook the task of selecting ultimately 7 surgical/cytopathology finalists as well as 3 autopsy finalists. The rigorous selection process ensures that only the most innovative and impactful research makes it to the final stage. A heartfelt thank you goes out to the 2024 ADASP Abstract Review Subcommittee for their dedication and discernment in curating an exceptional lineup of finalists.

On Monday, March 25, 2024, the ADASP Poster Review Subcommittee, composed of Dr. Luis Gonzalez-Cuyar, Dr. Michelle Reid, Dr. Aubrey Lazenby, Dr. Christa Whitney-Miller, and Dr. Joe Lennerz, toured the selected finalists' posters. Engaging with the first authors, they delved into the intricacies of each study, assessing not only the scientific merit but also the presentation's clarity and visual appeal. Posters were evaluated based on various criteria, including the relevance of morphology, scientific significance, methodology quality, and the presenter proficiency in explaining the relevance of the study and findings.

Finally, on Tuesday, March 26, 2024, the awards were presented alongside the prestigious Stowell-Orbison Award. The winners of the 2024 ADASP Autopsy and Surgical Pathology Awards.

More information on the awards here: https://uscap.org/stowell-orbison-awards/


2024 ADASP Autopsy and Surgical Pathology Awards

Poster 258
Title: Cardiac Pathological and Molecular Changes in Patients Dying Following SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination: A Matched Retrospective Cohort Study
Author: Faye Victoria C. Casimero MD
Affiliation: Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Poster 293
Title: Validation of Independent Prognostic Significance of Blast Count in a Large Cohort of MDS Patients
Author: Raniah Alamri MD
Affiliation: UPMC Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh


2023 ADASP Autopsy and Surgical Pathology Awards

Publication ID: 8
Title: Comparing Characteristics of Adults Dying of Diabetic and Alcoholic Ketoacidosis
Authors: James Macpherson, University of Ottawa/The Ottawa Hospital

Jacqueline Parai, The Ottawa Hospital
Christopher Milroy, The Ottawa Hospital

Publication ID: 1593
Title: Delineating Invasive Mucinous Adenocarcinomas (IMA) Within the Spectrum of Pulmonary Adenocarcinomas with Mucinous Features (PAM): Refinement of Cytomorphologic Features and Correlation with Genomic Profiles
Authors: Maelle Saliba, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Michelle Garlin Politis, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital
Mahesh Mansukhani, Columbia University Medical Center
Helen Fernandes, Columbia University
Anjali Saqi, Columbia University Irving Medical Center


2022 Autopsy and Surgical Pathology Awards

Publication ID: 12
Title: Establishing Vitreous Glucose and Beta-hydroxybutyrate Thresholds to Assist in the Diagnosis of Hypothermia
Authors: Tanner Mack, University of Ottawa

Jacqueline Parai, The Ottawa Hospital
Christopher Milroy, The Ottawa Hospital

Publication ID: 115
Title: Applied Machine Learning Based on Superpixels and the Tumoral Microenvironment is a Significant Predictor of Neoadjuvant Response in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Authors: Sean Hacking, Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Ayesha Siddique, Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Kamaljeet Singh, Women and Infants Hospital
Ross Taliano, Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital
Evgeny Yakirevich, Rhode Island Hospital
Yihong Wang, Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital