ADASP 2024 Annual Meeting Highlights

The Annual Meeting of the Association of Directors of Anatomic and Surgical Pathology (ADASP) held on March 23rd, 2024, was a resounding success, featuring insightful presentations, engaging discussions, and valuable networking opportunities.

Dr. Holmes
Dr. Holmes (Stanford, Director of Cytopathology) delivered a compelling presentation on addressing workload challenges, emphasizing strategies such as process optimization, skillful workforce management, and leveraging data for informed decision-making. She introduced novel roles like the surgical path technologist, highlighting the importance of meaningful work and professional development.


Dr. Choy
Dr. Choi (UCSF, Internist and medical director for UCSF's continuous improvement objective) delved into problem-solving techniques, stressing the significance of combining technical expertise with social considerations. Through case studies and practical insights, she underscored the importance of autonomy, competency, and purpose in driving effective solutions.


During interspersed coffee breaks attendees enjoyed networking sessions with the speakers and had the opportunity to connect and exchange ideas, fostering a sense of community and collaboration within the field.

Dr. Paczos and Robin Miller Zweifel from the American Pathology Foundation provided a practical discussion on common coding challenges, offering valuable solutions to attendees' inquiries. Attendees joined an in-person laboratory tour, led by Dr. Staats (University Maryland, Department of Pathology; #thank you). In parallel to the lab tour, attendees engaged in a networking sessions on proposed FDA regulations of LDTs.


Networking Session

Networking Session slides
Dr. Lennerz, ADASP President and Dr. Kalof, ADASP President-elect informed on the critical issue of FDA Oversight of LDTs and the impact and implications for the laboratory.


2024 ADASP Annual Business Meeting
The lunch break was used for the business meeting, led by Dr. Lennerz, provided key accomplishments of ADASP and an outline of organizational matters, while Dr. Montone (ADASP Treasurer) delivered the treasurer's report, ensuring transparency and accountability.


Dr. Bracamonte (Immediate Past President) spearheaded the dynamic ADASP barcamp session, enabling members to engage in focused discussions on various topics of interest. We had 5 different barcamps and attendees engaged in open discussions and provided a summary.

Barcamp 1-5


ADASP Annual Meeting networking
ADASP tried the barcamp format for the first time. Here are some impressions. Briefly, barcamps are an open meeting format. The two barcamp hosts are providing the context and are experts on the subject matter. The hosts stay at their table the whole time and welcome the changing guests/participants. The participants actively engaged in one or multiple barcamps. The key messages and summaries are collected by the hosts and presented in the subsequent plenum.


Networking session

Networking session Slides
Dr. Kalof further initiated a networking session addressing the histotechnologist shortage, underscoring the importance of collaborative efforts in overcoming industry challenges.


Future thought slides
In closing, Dr. Lennerz offered three future thoughts and urged attendees to continue their engagement and participation in ADASP initiatives.

The event concluded on a high note, leaving participants inspired and equipped with valuable insights to drive positive change in the field of anatomic and surgical pathology as well as cytopathology.